Category: portfolio

  • AWS Serverless Back End

    AWS Serverless Back End

    {“description”:”Designed and implemented a highly scalable, highly available serverless backend for a data-driven web app & hybrid mobile app. The back end provides data and services including SQL business data, user-uploaded documents and images, and chatbot real language processed communications. The back end provides a broad range of SSL-secured services to the app family as…

  • Feature Article

    Feature Article

    {“description”:”Published a feature article, ‘Getting started with Open edX to host your course’, in the internationally recognized blog (Redhat Linux). Article is an editorial written in collaboration with the leadership team of, the principals of the global leading open source online learning management system Open edX.”,”images”:[]}

  • Serverless Django App

    Serverless Django App

    {“description”:”Developed a fully-functional Django web app that runs as a AWS Lambda Function, with static assets hosted on AWS Cloudfront. The production site is infinitely scalable, requires no load balancing and no human monitoring nor intervention. Monthly fixed hosting costs are $0.00. More details on how to duplicate this deployment methodology are available in my…

  • AI Math Tutor on Open edX

    AI Math Tutor on Open edX

    {“description”:”With Rover by OpenStax, you can solve problems in the way that makes the most sense to you – Rover’s cutting-edge StepWise\u2122 technology can evaluate if the steps you use to solve a problem are logical, no matter which route you take. You get a textbook and a homework system for $22 per semester, and…

  • Open edX oAuth Integration

    Open edX oAuth Integration

    {“description”:”Modified Open edX’s Course Management Studio platform to support seamless oAuth 2.0 authentication to identity provider. This required extensive modifications to the Open edX code base and underlying Django framework to retrofit the platform’s existing authentication codebase with oAuth 2.0.”,”images”:[“https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/03\/rover-oauth.png”]}

  • REST api for Open edX

    REST api for Open edX

    {“description”:”Developed a custom REST api for an Open edX platform using Django REST Framework. The api was used by custom Javascript clients to capture, store and forward sales and marketing data to”,”images”:[]}

  • AWS Boto3 Automation

    AWS Boto3 Automation

    {“description”:”Created a Django web platform to host a collection of automated deployment scripts to onboard new institutional clients for a cloud-based software service. Written in Python3, the scripts use Boto3 and Paramiko to provision AWS infrastructure and to automate software installation and configuration of several dozen open source and private software repos comprising a highly…

  • Large-scale Documentation

    Large-scale Documentation

    {“description”:”Created a quasi-automated documentation system for a large-scale Django platform using and Python Sphinx. Automatically generates professional-quality online programmer and administrator how-to documentation from source code stored in Github. Documentation is mostly self-updating, requiring minimal effort to synchronize to regular updates to the project’s source code base.”,”images”:[“https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/readthedocs-1.png”,”https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/readthedocs-2.png”]}